Men’s Fashion Style Guide: Six Essential Rules 2025


to be regarded as appealing you must dress well now to get there you just have to learn the six men’s fashion rules every man should know and use that as your guide

Rule 1: Dress for Your Body Shape

Learning to dress for your body shape is the easiest way to start dressing better the big problem here is that most of you don’t know what your body shape is or even how to dress for the shape so I simplified the process for you we’re going to break it down into two easy steps first I’m going to show you how to figure out where your body shape is and then I’m going to show you what you should be wearing for your body shape

now there are four essential body shapes you have your V your o your X and your i v and I are the ideal shapes and the easiest ones to dress for

Measuring Your Body

now to actually figure out what shape you are you will need a body shaped calculator they will require four measurements that are simple to do from the comfort of your home if you don’t have a tape measure you can do a quick hack where you can grab any cable around the house and then use that to measure yourself extend it and then use a regular tape measure to see the actual distance

  • Measurement 1: you will start by measuring your shoulders you want to measure from seam to seam to get an accurate number then you will measure your chest to get this correctly you want to put the measuring tape right under your armpits and around your back
  • Measurement 2: then you’re going to measure your waist this is about one inch below your belly button and again it’ll be completely around your waist
  • Measurement 3: and finally your hips which is usually the thickest area of your rear end that you’re measuring you’re going to grab all four measurements and plug them into this calculator and boom there you have it

now you know what shape you are let me show you what you should be dressing


if you’re a v-shape like myself you probably have a nice physique where your shoulders are nicely developed in your chest as well with a thinner waist this means that you have that ideal physique where you want to stick to wearing clothes that’s fitted and simple in other words you don’t want baggy stuffed or heavily branded stuff that’s going to clutter you visually and distract people from your physique stick the tailored stuff that’s simple


now if you’re in O shape this means that your midsection is over developed and bigger than your shoulders and your hips to balance this out one of the best tips you can do is wear darker colors that give you a slimming effect also for the fit of your clothes it should always be fitted and never slim or tight because you are overweight when your clothes is too tight there will be pulling and stretching that will over magnify your problem areas so stick to clothing that’s more straight cut and fitted


if you’re in X shape it means that your shoulders and your hips are around the same size and your waist is thin now for these guys that have big hips it’s tough to find because it’ll be difficult to find pants that actually fit right without them looking skin tight on you this is why for these guys the best style to pull off is oversized clothing it’s a most comfortable approach it’s also extremely popular and it’ll sit nicer on your wider hip

Rectangle Shape

finally if you’re then iframe you’re essentially a skinny rectangle which is the ideal model frame this is particularly good because every manufacturer especially high-end designers designed for this frame in mind so almost everything you throw on will look good

Comparison Table

Body ShapeDetails
V-Shapeif you’re a v-shape like myself you probably have a nice physique where your shoulders are nicely developed in your chest as well with a thinner waist this means that you have that ideal physique where you want to stick to wearing clothes that’s fitted and simple in other words you don’t want baggy stuffed or heavily branded stuff that’s going to clutter you visually and distract people from your physique stick the tailored stuff that’s simple
O-Shapenow if you’re in O shape this means that your midsection is over developed and bigger than your shoulders and your hips to balance this out one of the best tips you can do is wear darker colors that give you a slimming effect also for the fit of your clothes it should always be fitted and never slim or tight because you are overweight when your clothes is too tight there will be pulling and stretching that will over magnify your problem areas so stick to clothing that’s more straight cut and fitted
X-Shapeif you’re in X shape it means that your shoulders and your hips are around the same size and your waist is thin now for these guys that have big hips it’s tough to find because it’ll be difficult to find pants that actually fit right without them looking skin tight on you this is why for these guys the best style to pull off is oversized clothing it’s a most comfortable approach it’s also extremely popular and it’ll sit nicer on your wider hip
Rectangle Shapefinally if you’re then iframe you’re essentially a skinny rectangle which is the ideal model frame this is particularly good because every manufacturer especially high-end designers designed for this frame in mind so almost everything you throw on will look good

Who is the originator of this information?

This article was written on February 9, 2025. The author’s source is Atoxify. It is presented by the Atoxify team.

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